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CRM was founded in 1980 by a small group of men and women highly committed to reaching those far from God with the good news of Jesus. While they were convinced of the essential role of the local church in God’s plan, they also knew that missionary forms of the Church were equally essential. All had broad experience, especially in the type of highly relational discipleship ministry—coaching, mentoring and training—that characterized organizations like the Navigators or Cru. They were convinced that new expressions and forms of the local church were needed if those far from God were to have any hope of moving toward a relationship with Jesus.

Originally known as Church Resource Ministries, the name of the organization was later shortened to CRM to reflect a broadening scope of ministry.

First Steps
CRM’s early staff were driven by the needs they saw in the North American Church for forms of discipleship and missionality often taken for granted internationally and in cross-cultural settings. Despite notable exceptions, many North American churches in the 1970s and 80s struggled to relate effectively to the surrounding culture that was convulsing with change. Churches able to form healthy, multiplying disciples and relate effectively to those increasingly far from Jesus were the exception rather than the rule.

Over 500 CRM missionaries live or serve in more than 80 countries around the world. They have launched ten global affiliate organizations in different nations and cultural contexts.

Together they are committed to:

Pioneering new ground among the unreached and unchurched
Bringing transformation among the poor
Mobilizing the Church for mission

…so that disciples of Jesus are made among the nations.